Thursday, June 16, 2011

RSS Feeds????

RSS feeds interest me, but I am not sure I am seeing the “real value” behind them. I already have so much going on in a day and read a lot of information that it seems EXTREMELY difficult to keep up with reading RSS feeds! I do think RSS feeds are fascinating in that they are constantly keeping you updated but it is an overwhelming amount of information coming through. Although, I must admit, I got slightly addicted to subscribing when I found something even remotely interesting. I am pleased with some of the feeds I joined and now I just need to make it a priority to keep myself up to date with those feeds and the significant information they are providing me with. One aspect in google reader that I liked was the ability to organize the feeds I subscribed to. This will make it much easier to access the blogs, feeds, etc that I find important in my teaching life and to separate the others I subscribed to as a personal preference.
 Any suggestions for how to use these with Elementary kids or as an access points with parents??


  1. I think a great way to use RSS in Elementary school is to add it to a website so that parents could access some great sites that give information on reading levels, special needs, or fun activities in the area.

  2. Erica,

    I like the way you described your evolving feelings about RSS. I don't read all the posts on all of my feeds. That would be a huge time investment. What I like about RSS is that I can quickly scan what interests me, and it actually saves me time. I don't have to search for what I like and visit many sites. I think RSS would be great for a research project with students. You could follow an author's blog as an author study. There are probably more uses for you professionally than with your little students at this point!
