Monday, June 27, 2011

Flickr in the Classroom...

Statue of Liberty by Mark Heard
(2007, November 13). Statue of Liberty. Mark Heard's Photostream.
Retrieved June 27, 2011 from

     Although I have never used flickr or explored on it prior to taking an online class, I have heard many wonderful things about Flickr and the endless possibilities in the K-12 classroom.  After some thought, I think that I could use Flickr in various ways in the classroom.  From a Social Studies aspect, I could use Flickr to have the kids find photos of famous US symbols that would be used to fuel research about those particular symbols.  An example of a photo of a Statue of Liberty that I would use for my S.S. lesson is shown here.
     I would also use Flickr as a Writing lesson. I would have the kids pick a couple photos first based on different topics. Then, after the pictures are chosen, I would then introduce the lesson which is based on a writing piece and the kids would need to create a story from the pictures they chose.  So the illustrations would drive the writing, instead of the other way around.  Images from Flickr could also be used to illustrate poems that we are reading in class as well as poems that have they created on their own.
     Lastly, another exciting feature I found while googling Flickr was that their is use of third party Flickr applications to produce classroom products such as Motivational posters, Magazine Covers, Movie Posters, Flickr slideshow, and Mosaic Makers.  I definitely plan on diving more into these features as options for classroom use!  

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.


  1. I agree that the third party apps sound like a lot of fun and would really hold the students interests. Your idea of using images in social studies to find famous landmarks made me think that it would be interesting to see images of these landmarks taken by tourists or non-professionals and compare them with the typical shots we see.

  2. Your idea for a writing assignment based on Flickr images is great! Instead of finding specific photos, they would be choosing based on a general theme, which I think will add interest to this project. It seems a great way to also reinforce process learning and writing from past experience or interest, not just completing a given assignment. There could be some real ownership in a project like this. :)
